froth·y /ˈfrôTHē/ Adjective 1. Full of or covered with a mass of small bubbles. 2. Light and entertaining but of little substance. bits /bits/ Noun 1. Your mom.

So yesterday I was trying to think of fun weekend trip ideas for this summer and one place I used to love to go to was the Vermont State Fair. Every year my parents would rent a place at Okemo for Labor Day weekend just before school started. We would go run around the mountain, climb on the empty chair lifts, watch horse races and get crappy prizes that wouldn’t last a week. All in all a good time for a 7 year old.

We also went to a place called Bromley that had a alpine slide. If you don’t know what a alpine slide is it’s a long track on a side of a mountain that you ride down in the summer. Now Bromley has all this different attractions but at the time I went it only had three concrete alpine slides.

So for years anytime I wanted to ride the Alpine Slide I would have to ride with my dad. Being the youngest child, I was jealous that my brother and sister got to ride by themselves. But 1995 was different. I was finally old enough to ride all by myself.

The day started off normally. My dad and I went down a few times together while my brother and sister got to ride by themselves as usual. They eventually got bored and found out that they could rent ATVs. Somehow they convinced my parents to sign the release forms and I was left behind being too little again.

But there was a silver lining.

“Do you want to go on yourself?” My dad asked me. I didn’t even have to think about it. I NEVER got to do thing anything myself. The alpine slide was huge to me. I got to ride down by myself just like my brother and sister. I was almost an equal!

My dad told me to grab a sled and we headed back to the top. Most likely he carried it up most of the way for me anyways. The first time I went down by myself it was exhilarating. I was victorious. I was invincible! I was in control. I felt the need for speed!

Of course I wouldn’t quit while I was ahead. I ran back up to the top and headed down another run. My dad warned me to watch my speed and to use the break but I guess I was little too cocky. I just felt my self speeding up and up. Suddenly I lost control of the sled! The sled flipped over and I kept sliding forward.

I was in complete and utter shock. This couldn’t happen to me. I was finally a big kid. This stuff didn’t happen to my brother and sister so why would it happen to me? Eventually my dad came around the same corner responsible for my demise and saw quite a crash scene. There was me missing patches of skin, sled overturned. I immediately starting crying but all my dad could tell me was “Well there’s no other way to get down. You need to get back on.”

I was still sobbing going 1mph down the mountain with my dad tailing close behind me causing a huge ass traffic jam of people behind us.

My mom was waiting at the end of the track. She was wondering why we hadn’t made it down the track yet then there’s me sobbing eeking my way down to the end of the track. While my dad put my sled away, my mom whisked me off to the first aid station.

The walk to the first aid station was arduous. Not only was I physically and emotionally scarred, the amount of people staring, wincing at the sight of me, was even worse. Did I mention it was a concrete track? Yeah, I was missing a lot of skin. I came out of there covered in gauze and tape. It was summer so there was no covering it. Everyone stared.

But there was a semi-happy ending to this story. I was not the only person to pull a dumbass move that day. When my parents went looking for my brother and sister, they found that had flipped the ATV. Not only flipped it but flipped it into a ditch. Fortunately they were unscathed. We make the Clark Griswold’s family look like a Norman Rockwell painting.

That night my parents decided to take us mini-golfing apparently as a distraction for me. I don’t know how that helped my searing pain and utter embarrassment to be seen in public.

Luckily for my fragile child mind, I started school that week. It was a great day of hiding and avoiding questions. It’s amazing how I was back to school pictures from that year.

I don’t think we went back to Bromley after that year. I’ve never gotten the chance to redeem myself on the Alpine Slide. Hopefully this summer will change I will return to Bromley and conquer it once and for all.

Oh my god. This is freakin’ hysterical. Gay guys make me laugh. Well I think it’s a straight guy pretending to be gay but they all do it so well. I really can’t describe it much more so you’ll just have to watch it yourself.

And I’m probably not going to watch…I hate waiting around. I usually just watch what I want and wait for IMDB to put it up.

Anyways here are my Oscar picks.

Best Animated Feature Film of the Year: Toy Story 3 (Duh.)

Best Writing, Screenplay Based on Material Previously Produced or Published: The Social Network (If the Oscars go underdog this year, I’m going to say Winter’s Bone which should really win.)

Best Writing, Screenplay Written Directly for the Screen: The King’s Speech

Best Achievement in Directing: Darren Aronofsky for Black Swan

Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role: Melissa Leo in The Fighter (She was phenomenal. Having parents from MA and lived there for four years, she played the part perfectly.)

Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role: Geoffrey Rush for The King’s Speech

Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role: Natalie Portman in Black Swan

Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role: Colin Firth in The King’s Speech

Best Motion Picture of the Year: The King’s Speech

I’m really hopeful that The King’s Speech will win. I just don’t know what it will say about our society if a movie about social networking wins the biggest event of the year. That being said The King’s Speech is a phenomenal movie. I’ve seen about all of the nominees this year and none of them blew me away like this one did.

I love historical movies and I was absolutely crazy about it when it came out in theaters. Colin Firth and Geoffrey Rush work so well on screen together and the movie is so endearing. Your heart breaks for this reluctant king. The actors were superb, very historically accurate and it was altogether a heartwarming film. No reason this shouldn’t win but I’ll probably writing a pissed off blog tomorrow anyways. Happy Oscar Night!

Make sure to follow me on Twitter: frothy_bits

Aren’t you glad she’s on your team? Ugh you just want to hug her right? Her points being so eloquent and valid. I’m just in awe of her superior intellect.

I would have loved to hear that telephone call. “Yes Officer that’s right. He was Mexican and being annoying.”

Apparently, God loves everyone except for you, you and you. Here’s what I believe: When I went to Sunday School I learned the Ten Commandments and those were a great set of standards to look to. However, Jesus the guy the whole religion is based upon came into the picture and said “Hey treat those the way you want to be treated.” Also known as the Golden Rule which I find is a better basis for my own moral code.

The bible is great and all but it’s not something I’m going base my whole life around. There’s way more to life than following a book written thousands of years ago blindly. The Bible has been changed by people throughout the years and who really knows what really was in there. So it’s better to live life trying to be a decent human being and treating people with respect rather than spewing hate at everyone.

So I live in a basement and my parents won’t pay for a cable hook-up. Don’t worry I’m not a loser 40 year old in my parent’s basement. I’m a college grad with 2 minimum wage jobs trying to scrape by.

I got home from work to watch MY FAVORITE TV SHOW Ghost Adventures (I think Zak ran out of Ed Hardy shirts to wear…well black ones) and during the commercials they show the new season of Army Wives. I am so jacked for this! I love this show but they are killing off someone this season. I really hope they are because they do this every season. Like when the kid tried to off himself, or when one of the guys went MIA. If its Trevor, I’m going to be so pissed off because Roxy needs him.

Anyways, this just proves I…A) need to work less or B) get upstairs more.

Also sidetrack theres a show about movers called Deathwish Movers? They move the heavy shit with cranes into buildings. You know like in cartoons when they move the piano and then it snaps and drops on someone. Then the character pops out like a accordion. Ee-er ee-er. Sound it out. Accordion noise.

Seriously they make a show out of everything. Movers, Parking Attendants, Airports, Storage Wars, Repos, Pawn Shops, Anitquers, the list goes on. Well its lockdown time on Ghost Adventures so I should really pay attention.

Via BroadwayWorldThe LA Times 24 Frames blog has the scoop that Tom Hooper, who was recently Oscar-nominated for directing THE KING’S SPEECH has now been offered the film version of LES MISERABLES. The blog reports that it’s being conceived as a fully ‘big budget musical’.

And I’ll tell you I’m a little mixed…Les Miserables is one of my favorite musicals. I’ve been watching the 10th Anniversary Concert since it was on PBS and I’ve seen it live countless times.  While I know I will be first in line to see the movie, I’m afraid of what they’re going to cut. It’s a long fucking show and if you’re not into it, you’re not gonna make it through. To make it commercial they’re going to have to sacrifice parts of it. I don’t know if I can handle it. If there’s one thing different, I will know it immediately. It’s going to be really hard to be unbiased.

One of my favorite songs when I was younger was “Bad Guys Always Die” by Eminem and Dr. Dre.  I always though I had a little hood in me.

Ever since someone told me about this song its been on replay for weeks.  The song is so heartbreaking if you listen to the lyrics and Skylar Grey sounds beautiful in the chorus.  I love Dr. Dre and Eminem together. They just do great work together.

Make sure you follow me Twitter!

Every few months or so I go on a movie buying binge. I buy maybe 10 at a time or so. It’s pretty bad. I don’t usually buy new. It’s just the shipping that kills me. I miss Blockbuster because I used to get the 5 for $25 deal and that was pretty awesome.



I will have to explain my Ghost Adventures at another time but if you don’t watch it…tomorrow 9/8c turn to Travel Channel and experience the magic!


Meet David. He’s getting a new snail. He’s super excited to get a new snail since the untimely passing of Tom, his other snail. Check out his story: HERE.

Cartoon by Mike Adair.